Conference Proceedings 1997


Fred Biddulph & Ken Carr, Editors
List of Reviewers
Keynote Address
... I do and I understand, and then I forget. The role of memory in Mathematics Education
Gordon Knight
Do disadvantaged students fail mathematics or does mathematics fail disadvantaged students?
Robyn Zevenbergen
Missed opportunities in research on the teaching and learning of data and chance
J. Michael Shaughnessy
Practical Implication Award
Seventh-grade students problem posing from open-ended situations
Lyn D. English
Research Paper
Teachers' Reported Use of Problem Solving Teaching Strategies in Primary Mathematics Classrooms
Judy Anderson
Students' and Lecturers' Perceptions of Factors Influencing Students' Success in First-Year Undergraduate Mathematics Courses.
Glenda Anthony
The Construction of Personal Theory on Gender and Mathematics: Nine Case Studies of Women Primary Teacher Trainees
Bill Atweh and Lynn Burnett
Student Error Patterns in Fraction and Decimal Concepts
Jack Bana, Brian Farrell, Alistair Mclntosh
A Different System: Notions of Education and Ways of Mathematising in Fijian Society
Sala Bakalevu
The implication of multiplicative structure for students' understanding of decimal-number numeration
Annette R Baturo
Researching cultural issues with NESB secondary mathematics students: "Ïn my country it was more difficult"
Alan Bishop, Gilah Leder, Chris Brew, & Cath Pearn,
Monitoring Change in Attitude of Preservice Teachers Towards Mathematics and Technology: A Longitudinal Study
Janette Bobis & Robyn Cusworth
Do Algebraic Skills Improve with Higher Learning?
T .M. Boustead
The resolution of uncertainty in mathematics classrooms
David Clarke and Sue Helme
Is an Equilateral Triangle Isosceles? Student Perspectives
Penelope Currie and John Pegg
What is the Object of the Encapsulation of a Process?
Gary Davis, David Tall, & Michael Thomas
The Effect of Instruction on Students' Generation of Diagrams
Carmel M Diezmann
Year 8, 9 and 10 students' understanding and access of percent knowledge
Shelley Dole, Tom J. Cooper, Annette R. Baturo, and Zoyrese Conoplia
Pencil-and-paper Mathematics Tests Under the Microscope
Nerida F. Ellerton and M. A. ("Ken") Clements
Mathematics in the Vocational Education and Training Sector: A Case Study
Gail E. FitzSimons
The University of Melbourne's mathematics students: Who are they? Why are they here? Will they stay?
Helen J. Forgasz and Philip Swedosh
Relational word problems: A cross-cultural comparison
Linda Galligan
The effectiveness of a professional development program based on action research
Florenda L. Gallos and Tony Herrington
Students' Orientations to Learning Statistics - Profiles of Experience
Sue Gordon
Constructing Initial Algebraic Understanding: The Proposed Research
D. Evan Harris
Do they understand what we mean? Assessment and communication
Doreen HartnaIl
Improving Understanding in Integration with the Computer
Ye Yoon Hong
Professionalisation and Change in Secondary Mathematics
John Horwood
Secondary Mathematics Teacher Beliefs About the Learning and Teaching of Mathematics I
Peter Howard, Bob Perry, & Margaret Lindsay
The Role of Whole Number Knowledge in Rational Number Learning
Robert P. Hunting, Gary E. Davis, & Catherine A. Pearn
What Conflicts Help Students Learn About Decimals?
Kathryn Irwin
Students' Thinking and Writing in the Context of Probability
Todd M. Johnson, Graham A. Jones, Carol A. Thornton, Cynthia W. LangraIl, Amy Rous
Towards an understanding of numerical workplace knowledge
Clive Kanes
Area integration rules
Gillian Kidman
Problem Solving in Algebra: Ability Grouping, Affective Factors And Gender Differences
Saraswathi Kota
Access to level of mathematics study in high school: social area and school differences
Stephen Lamb
An Evaluation of Two Coding Systems in Determining van Hiele Levels
Christine Lawrie
Looking Back Towards the Future: A Case Study in Mathematics
Gilah C. Leder and Helen J. Forgasz
Young Children's Knowledge of Three-Dimensional Shapes: Four Case Studies
Neville Leeson, Rita Stewart and Robert, J. Wright
Effect of the Different Syntactic Structures of English and Chinese in Simple Algebraic Problems
Francis Lopez-Real
Choosing or avoiding mathematics at the upper-secondary school level: some significant factors
John Malone, Robert Cavanagh, Beverley Webster, John Dekkers, Ron Toomey, Richard O'Donovan & Robert Elliott
Adult learning in an industrial setting
Peter Martin
Assessing Number Sense: Collaborative Initiatives in Australia, United States, Sweden and Taiwan
AIistair McIntosh, Jack Bana & Brian FarreII
Graphs: Communication lines to students?
J. Moritz & J. Watson
Using videotapes in classroom research to see anew
Judih A Mousley
Second graders' representations and conceptual understanding of number: a longitudinal study
Joanne Mulligan, M Mitchelmore, l Outhred and S Russel
Cooperative professional development for mathematics teachers: A case study
S. Nisbet, S. Dole, & D. Warren
Problem solving in kindergarten: The development of children's representations of numerical situations
L. Outhred & S. Sardelich
Attitude and attribution in mathematics: Gender factors with low achievers
R. Peard & D. Wiley
Broadening the Descriptors of van Hieles' Levels 2 and 3
John Pegg
The relationship between the place value understanding of seven-year-old children and the strategies that they use to solve written addition problems
Sally Peters
Statistical Thinking: One Statistician's Perspective
Maxine Pfannkuch
The Potential of Computer Manipulatives for Overcoming Place Value Misconceptions
Peter S. Price
Teacher Presence as a Variable in Research into Students Mathematical Decision-making
Peter S. Price
The Effects of a Computer Algebra System on the Learning of, and Attitudes towards Mathematics amongst Engineering Students in Papua New Guinea
Leonard L. Raj and John Malone
A Report of Research into Student Attitude and TeacherStudent Interpersonal Behaviour in a large Sample of Australian Secondary Mathematics Classrooms
Tony Rickards & Darrell Fisher
The three selves of the prospective primary school teacher of mathematics: An Australian case study
Sandra Schuck
In symmetry is the left the same as the right or is the right left out?
Pamela F. Shaw
A Further Development of a Theoretical Framework for Research into Values in Mathematics Education
Beth Southwell
Should all children use calculators? A Western Australian Survey
Len Sparrow and Paul Swan
Developing tasks to assess mathematical performance
Max Stephens & Peter Sullivan
Links Between Early Arithmetical Knowledge And Early Space And Measurement Knowledge: An Exploratory Study
Rita Stewart, Neville Leeson and Robert, J. Wright
Cooperative learning in secondary mathematics: A quantitative review
Harsh Suri
Mathematical Misconceptions -- Can We Eliminate Them?
Philip Swedosh and John Clark
Story weaving a process for critical collaborative professional development
Merilyn Taylor and Bronwen Cowie
The Politics of Mathematics Education 1997
Jan Thomas
Secondary school mathematics teachers' views of assessment: some insights from the Caribbean
Sandra Trotman
The Introduction of Probability into Australian Schools Interpreted Within a Broad-Spectrum Ecological Framework
John Truran
Understanding of Association and Regression by First Year Economics Students from Two Different Countries as Revealed in Responses to the Same Examination Questions
John Truran
Beliefs About Teaching Stochastics Held By Primary Pre-service Teaching Students
Kathleen Truran
Geeks and Nerds: Computers, gender and the mathematics classroom
Colleen Vale
The problem of the real in curriculum implementation
Margaret Walshaw
Generalising from and transferring between algebraic representation systems: Characteristics that support these processes.
Elizabeth Warren
Which jar gives the better chance? Children's decision making strategies
Jenni Way
Recognition of abstract angles in familiar physical situations
Paul White & Michael Mitchelmore
Students' understanding of hypothesis testing: the case of the significance concept
Anne M. Williams
Mathematics at two schools, one Australian, the other Japanese, both located in Australia: their Philosophies and Practices
Susan Wotley
Goal Orientation Beliefs and Mathematics Achievement: A Longitudinal Study
Shirley M. Yates
From Research Tool to Classroom Assessment Device: The development of CheckoutlRapua, a shopping game to assess numeracy at school entry
Jenny Young-Loveridge
Short Communication (abstract only)
Short communications 1997
Poster (abstract only)
Round Table (abstract only)